Union Rights & Benefits

Through the power of union representation, tenured and tenure-track faculty at Northern Illinois University collectively and individually have specific rights as outlined within the terms of the United Faculty Alliance’s contract with the employer. Thanks to the strength of union membership nationwide, members also have access to a variety of additional benefits including discounts on goods and services.



Our contract, known formally as the Collective Bargaining Agreement (or CBA), is a legally binding document between the UFA and the employer, Northern Illinois University, that outlines the rights of tenured and tenure-track faculty and procedures pertaining to multiple aspects of employment, including wages and raises, working conditions, grievances, discipline, and governance.

Read our current contract here (in effect from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026).

Here is our past contract (in effect from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2022).


Through the UFA’s affiliation with the American Federation of Teachers, dues-paying members have access to a wide range of benefits, including financial, health, and legal services, educational opportunities, and savings and discounts on travel and shopping. Visit the AFT’s website for information regarding available benefits.


During COVID-19, UFA leadership successfully lobbied on behalf of faculty for working conditions that put the safety of the entire campus community first and secured additional rights and provisions for faculty to address the impact of the pandemic on teaching, research, and artistry. These additional agreements were outlined in Memoranda of Understanding (or MOUs) with the employer.

Have questions? Contact us.